Hello! It’s nice to meet you
I am a chemical engineer at Jacobs where I work on environmental remediation and remedial process optimization. I regularly conduct quantitative statistical analysis, including censored data analysis, machine learning, predictive modeling, geospatial analysis, and multivariate analysis.
My interest is in developing open-source tools that enable users to monitor treatment system parameters to benchmark and gauge system performance, and to assess groundwater plume dynamics to support optimization of groundwater monitoring well networks.
I have a B.S in Metallurgical Engineering and a PhD in Chemical Engineering. I worked in the mining industry before moving into environmental engineering in 1992. After a brief excursion with python, I have been working in the R programming environment since 2005. I have developed several data analytics tools and authored over 30 factsheets that provide detailed discussions of various data analysis methods to help communicate and foster advanced data analytics.
I live in Salt Lake City, UT, with my wife and granddaughter, and our dog Tucker.
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